VESSEL { pid = 00000000000000000000000000000000 name = Moho Landing! type = Flag sit = LANDED landed = True landedAt = splashed = False met = 208.820112019777 lct = 215979997.470087 root = 0 lat = -3.80007722491538 lon = 257.988146716045 alt = 3842.94838416341 hgt = 0.3444609 nrm = -0.1075174,0.9941033,-0.0140914 rot = -0.2084265,0.6754419,-0.7051972,0.05507812 CoM = 0,0,0 stg = 0 prst = False ref = 0 cPch = 0 cHdg = 0 cMod = -1 ORBIT { SMA = 0 ECC = 1 INC = NaN LPE = 98.9850089067793 LAN = 277.600453973168 MNA = -8.40714670366795 EPH = 366288081.217437 REF = 4 } PART { name = flag uid = 710653725 mid = 1595321564 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sidx = -1 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 mass = 0.01 temp = 0 expt = 0.5 state = 0 connected = True attached = True flag = Squad/Flags/easawhite rTrf = flag(Clone) EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } MODULE { name = FlagSite isEnabled = True placedBy = Jebediah Kerman PlaqueText = Boldly we go into the stars, and volcanic planets apparently. state = Placed EVENTS { TakeDown { active = True guiActive = False guiIcon = Take Down guiName = Take Down category = Take Down guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } PickUp { active = False guiActive = False guiIcon = Pick Up guiName = Pick Up category = Pick Up guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } ReadPlaque { active = True guiActive = False guiIcon = Read Plaque guiName = Read Plaque category = Read Plaque guiActiveUnfocused = True unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } } ACTIONS { } } MODULE { name = FlagDecal isEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } } } ACTIONGROUPS { Stage = False, 0 Gear = True, 0 Light = False, 0 RCS = False, 0 SAS = False, 0 Brakes = False, 0 Abort = False, 0 Custom01 = False, 0 Custom02 = False, 0 Custom03 = False, 0 Custom04 = False, 0 Custom05 = False, 0 Custom06 = False, 0 Custom07 = False, 0 Custom08 = False, 0 Custom09 = False, 0 Custom10 = False, 0 } }